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Norte de Vietnã: Parque Nacional Cuc Phuong

Norte de Vietnã: Parque Nacional Cuc Phuong

A Floresta Nacional de Cuc Phuong é a maior e mais importante área de conservação no norte do Vietnã. Todos os anos, cientistas de várias partes do mundo vêm até aqui para realizar pesquisas. Participar de uma expedição pela selva – desbravando caminhos, escolhendo um local adequado para acampar, observando sinais da vida selvagem e mergulhando completamente na natureza intocada – será uma experiência única e inesquecível.

Essa aventura será guiada por guardas florestais e guias locais especializados.

Fascínio pela Selva – Explore a floresta tropical
Uma atividade de nível 6/10. No entanto, não se preocupe tanto com força física ou habilidades; isso será compensado. O mais importante é o espírito de aventura e o amor pela natureza.


  • Caminhada pela antiga floresta.
  • Acampamento no coração da floresta primária.
  • Conheça a rica flora e fauna do Parque Nacional de Cúc Phương.

    Day 1: Hanoi – Cuc Phuong – Treking – Camping (L, D)

    Go to Cuc Phuong, meet local rangers and guides, listen to trip instructions and prepare for the expedition. Before entering the forest, we will visit the primate rescue area to understand more about the research and rescue work of Cuc Phuong National Park.

    Get in the car and continue to Bong where we will have lunch at a restaurant in the National Park before entering the forest. Our expedition and discovery have no specific schedule or specific starting or ending point. The local guide will decide which route to follow, where to start and where to end based on time, weather and signs of wildlife in the forest. Our walking routes are not always on existing trails, many parts we will have to pave our way through. Many surprises may lie ahead.


    After a few hours of walking into the core of the forest, we will reach the campsite to sleep overnight. Before dinner, the rangers will take us to see the tracks of wild animals. Along the walking route, local forest rangers and guides will share with you knowledge about flora and fauna in the forest and ways to survive in the forest.

    Our overnight location will be chosen by a local guide. Enjoy a delicious dinner by the campfire before going to bed

    Notetrek distance: 6km – 7km, meals include: lunch, dinner

    Day 2: Trekking – Out of the forest – Hanoi (B, L)


    Dawn with the sounds of birds and insects. Enjoy hot coffee or tea and a full breakfast before breaking camp to continue exploring deep in the forest. Our guide can identify many things that we do not know such as animal tracks, medicinal plants or edible fruits. In addition, local guides can also identify poachers or animal traps in that area to warn or avoid that area. Today we will travel about 8km – 10km of forest road to reach the edge of the forest at a different point from the starting point. After leaving the forest, we walked about 2km to Bong to have lunch before getting on the bus back to Hanoi. End the program when you return to Hanoi.

    Note: trek distance: 8km – 10km, meals include: breakfast, lunch

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Endereço: Rua Do Hanh nº 1, distrito de Hai Ba Trung, Hanói, Vietnã Linha direta: +84.913.544.666 E-mail:

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